Monday, January 7, 2013

The Start -- Both Feet on the Ground

This is the beginning...but it still feels like an arrival, like a destination.  I know that's true for Britt and I.  We have been incredibly excited for the start of our adoption journey.  You could argue that this process really started back when we started--childhood, adolescence, dating, courtship, marriage, etc.  We'll cover the earlier areas of our lives, but I think it all began with us--Brittany and I.  When we were a 'we,' an 'us,' together.  I'll never forget the night on one of our dates when Brittany asked me what my thoughts were on adoption.  As memorized as I was (and still am) by Brittany's beauty and sweetness at that moment, I had no hesitation about my response to her question.  'Of course'  'Why wouldn't we?'  That conversation reverberates through our marriage today.

We always imagined ourselves as the 'big family' at church each Sunday with children filing out of the big van (although Britt would rather replace 'van' with let's say Suburban or Expedition).  Adoption was and is, in our minds a given.  Not because we anticipated the struggles we've experienced in starting our family on our own--but because it's something we always knew we would do.  It's an experience we wanted to participate in as future parents, something we wanted our families to celebrate with us.  Bringing a child into our home and family and into our hearts.  Adoption was always part of our family plan--now, more than ever we look forward to starting the process.

So now here we are...fulfilling what really is a dream for us--putting our hopes and prayers and every ounce of who we are and who we want to be into this journey.  Throughout this process we invite you to share with us, to participate with us, and reach out to us.  We have the best parents and siblings that anyone could ask for but we know that there is a missing piece--a child of our own to love and nurture within the bonds of our great families.  It's time to add to the story of us.


Justin & Brittany           

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